Sunday, August 17, 2008

late day light

I know I haven't put much up here yet about how much I love my new camera. I let myself get sidetracked with family and schedules and bills and dinner, etc... and haven't picked it up as much as I should. Well a couple of weeks ago I was having one of those days. It was time to pick up my son from scouts and for some reason I was just in the blahs. As I was walking to my car I noticed how beautiful everything looked. The sun was getting ready to set and the light was just a little hazy and kind of an orangy, pinkish color. Almost all at once my mood changed. I looked straight ahead and saw the light bouncing off the horses with an early moon almost directly overhead. I ran back in the house as fast as I could and grabbed my camera.
As I was driving to the church building the sunset just became even more vivid. I couldn't resist getting a picture, but I was driving. So, I picked up my camera and without looking through or changing any settings I shot about 10 pictures out my window. This was my favorite.
I've taken about a million pictures of the sunset behind the trees out here. It will always amaze me. One time, however, the sight was even more amazing. This next picture was taken in June at about 5pm. It normally is not dark yet at that time, and it was this time either, other than the monsoon season hit early (I think in honor of my sister Emily visiting. She has a relationship with the monsoons.) The clouds created the most amazing effect and changed the sun to red. Emily ran inside to get me and I handed her my point and shoot and ran home to get my D300. Here is one of the results.
I don't know how anyone can look at these scenes and not believe in God. I know that is completely off topic, but comes to mind every time I see them. Nature is amazing and the way light bounces off everything is dazzling. It renews my spirit and can calm me and put perspective on my seemingly "hard days". Beauty is everywhere. If we don't take a breath and open our eyes we may miss it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is my new toy. I love it, love it, love it. I have been holding out on going digital for so long but when the Nikon D300 came along I decided it was time to make the switch. This is an amazing camera and I can't wait to start using it to it's full potential. That may be awhile though since I am so very overwhelmed right now reading the manual. Stay tuned for how it all goes.

I still have my tried and true F3. She is a great camera and will not be put out of commission. I even still have some good film. We'll see where it takes me.

Thank you to my amazing husband for making me take this step. I would not have got this beautiful machine if it were not for him.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Drum roll please......

First, I want to say thank you to all the entrants of my little contest. I've always wanted to do one. It was fun. You all have such interesting things about you and I hope I can photograph all of you sometime. Also, sorry my drawing is almost a week late. I am completely preoccupied and a bit self absorbed so sometimes I forget to do things.

So, without further ado, the winner is... Alisa.

I am so excited to do these pictures. Let me know what your schedule is and we will find a time to shoot.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Exaggerated Environmental Portraiture

Ok folks, welcome to my new photo blog! I have been meaning to do this for a couple of months now and, finally, I am. Woohoo!

I have started on a new adventure and I would love some audience participation. Portraiture has always been the main focus of my photography but I am moving into a new arena and getting in touch with my more artistic side. Exaggerated environmental portraiture is the name of this game. Here are my rules. (These, of course, are never adhered to very strictly. I am fully planning for them to twist and bend as I develop my new strategies.)

I want to take portraits of people exactly how they are. Here's the catch. No one has just one side to them. All of us are complex, changing individuals. I want to take YOUR picture and show all of your different fascinating complexities.

I've been working on this slowly. I am putting up some pictures of the progression that took me to this point. I have lots more in my head that are waiting to come out and they keep evolving more and more. So basically, I need models. Of course I have a family and, as summer hits, not a lot of time. So to solve my problem I am holding a contest. If you would like to be involved leave me a comment with 5 things that make you you. What do you love? What occupies your everyday? etc....

If I have already taken your pictures I am just fine with doing it again, so don't hesitate. I will draw a name from the entries that I get and post the winner next week. Please tell anyone you know to check it out as well. Thanks!